Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Photo Essay

Many photo-stories include the four categories:
1. Setting the Scene
2. The people involved
3. The action
4. Detail

shoot plan:

The narrative which our group will tell is a documentation/story of a crime that happens in the open access room. Julietta and Ania are the victims, and i took the role of a sneaky thief. The photo essay is linear so its easy to understand what happens  step by step.

 Setting the Scene (Open Access) &
The people involved
Setting the Scene- Some action...
Action (Don't trust this guy)
The people involved- Action
Setting the Scene- Some action
The action
The action
The End

Sunday, 5 May 2013

BBC Idents

Bellow 4 idents, made by myself ( outside the group):

The main inspiration for most of the movies were
 horror movies, huge amounts of alcohol and 
depression. For now, these are just first attempts at
filmmaking. It would be a dream to make a horror
movie in the future that would literally 
scare people to death.
Paper cut outs were used to create an improvised 
church and graveyard. 
Stop motion and filters were used to create
 an atmosphere similar to the old horror movies.
The result of a strong depression. I used different 
filters and tricks to improve this movie. 
It evokes feelings of amusement in me.
A serial killers daily routine in black and white colours.
A faster speed of the movie and 2 sources of sound
were used to create a more psychodelic atmosphere.
The mask has been created on Patsie's lesson. 
Lee Jeffries

An amateur photographer from Manchester. He got a lot of attention since winning the Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2011. All of his photographs are portraits. Most of the models are social outcasts. One of the most prominent features of his work is the use of hard and soft light.

“I took this shot last November – I was walking around Manchester when I noticed something about this guy’s eyes. There was something wrong with them, obviously, but there was a quality about them too… I try to get an almost religious feel to my shots and I think it comes through in this image, with the way the light falls on his face. Anyway, winning this prize is a huge honour.” Lee

His prize winning photograph "What are we?"

Some of his photograps remind me of sketch drawings.
Folds of the skin propably sharpened with a high pass filter.
Black and white photography speaks to me more than colour
photography. The emotions are sharper and more visible.
 I imagine this granny as a baby eating cannibal.
Hands in the foreground. Photoshop in the end phase.

Lee Jeffries might be an amateur, but his photographs are more than just pictures. Almost every photograph has a story behind it. Misery and depression are the two words that can describe his photographs. What he tought me is that you don't have to be equipped with the best camera to make amazing photo shots.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Perry photo shoot

For the main photo shoot model  I choose my classmate Perry. The idea behind it was to create a set of photos inspired by labels like Armani, Hugo Boss, Gucci, Versace. I didn't had in mind to make him look like a profesional model. It was more of a experience shoot rather than a professional photo shoot. I put Perry in different poses and situations. Manipulating his gestures and looking for expressions on his face.

The light setting was the most important thing of my photo shoots. Perry was standing in front of a black background. My main tools were; A soft box, a hot shot, A big reflector on a stand, and a mono head/flash head with hard light. I used the school camera Nikon D3000. I set the camera on ISO100  1/25 F 11.

Health and Safety- Since there were only three person in the studio, the risk factor has been reduced. We had a lot of empty space in which we could work. The cabels of the light reflectors had been secured, and the backdrop has secured with a masking tape. No food no drinks had been brought into the room.
From behind
ISO100  1/25 F 11
A bit more serious. The Jacket matches the light perfectly.
A Jean Dean pose
Perry Relaxed (laughing at Ollie)
Remembering the good old times.
A difficult past?

In mind the photo shoot was a big success. I have taken amazing pictures of Perry, literally posing like a real model. I got a completely different view on photography now. I am more confident with the camera as the main tool to work with. Even though I made a lot mistakes like: reflecting the light to underline his face. Overall I am very satisfied of this photo shoot.