Sunday, 14 October 2012

  Beautifully Unhinged - Photo Shoot Plan

My shoot Idea

I directed my idea more into the depressing side of the novel. Since most of the people from my class told me that they have ideas that include beauty or transformation, I thought it would be a challenge to do something more extreme, playing with a taboo topic like death. I chose it because I have lately been in a very gloomy mood. And since I have little time, I need to use all my available resources to improvise.

The main idea is to present a still life symbolising suicide. The still life will mainly contain a large amount of pills that are supposed to represent antidepressants. I will later on try to create a red filter made from a transparent duct tape, which I will then colour red and cut. I classify the red filter as an experiment, so it will be not essential in my photos. 

I will also try to include a few messages into the still life, that will emphasise the meaning of my idea. I have the idea to write some some of the words on an envelope or foil, so it can combine somehow with the pills surrounding it.

Location Details
(My accomodation) Since the photoshoot will be in my room, I will have to improvise.

Resources Required
Canon EOS 1100D, table light, red filter (duct tape), A5 page-dark red, Dry Transfer Lettering + foil. envelope, pills + medecine boxes, scalpel,

 Red light
 Red filter

     More light

 Soft shadow

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